We all have one…that book or story that our kids beg to hear over and over again that makes us BONKERS! My friend Nicole from Nicole Leigh Shaw Tyop Artist runs a really fun series called Character Assassination Carousel. Each month a blogger gets the chance to take down a story character. Last month Christine […]
To The Man or Woman in Row 23
Sometimes life hands you lemons and sometimes it hands you a giant bag of steaming dog poo. British Airways just told me that paying $135 is the only way to guarantee that I can sit with my three and four year old daughters on our flight from NY to London, so I’m pretty sure I’m […]
Comparing Notes
I don’t want to brag or anything… Ok, now that we have that statement out of the way, I am totally gonna brag. My four year old is learning to read and she LOVES it. Before you guys knock yourselves over trying to pat me on the back, you should know that I pretty much […]
Thanks Nomad Papa
Every once in a while, Nomad Papa does something to redeem himself. This past weekend he offered to take the girls out for the day. This break could not have come at a better time. I desperately needed to get ready for the big book launch. He had just been away for two days and […]
Why I’m Still Talking About Sleep
In 1995, the United Nations Geneva Convention added sleep deprivation to the list of outlawed torture tactics. My children did not get the notice. For the past couple of weeks, my kids have woken me up every single night. They want water. They want Goodnight Moon. They just want to take a fanciful trip down […]
Day Drinking Permission Slip
I’ve had about all I can stand of the “it’s five o-clock somewhere” excuse. Five o’clock implies that there is a quitting time, and if there is one thing I’ve learned in nearly five years of parenting, it is that there is no quitting time. We parents are expected to work around the clock. I’ve […]
Heroes of the City – Giveaway
My mom gave me an iPad. Oh wait, let me rephrase that. My mom gave my kids an iPad and sometimes they let me borrow it. Sound familiar to any of you? When it comes to entertaining my kids for more than 5 minutes, I look for games that are part of a bigger package […]
Daddies and little girl hair
Poor Nomad Papa. We let him get away with referring to the family as his harem because he is completely outnumbered. He does his best to hang in there. He has learned the critical difference between pink, light pink, dark pink and NOT THAT pink. He wades through the sequined, polka dot, taffeta and lace […]